How Poor Oral Hygiene Affects Your Metabolism

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 6:40 pm
person preparing to brush their teeth for good oral health

When people eat freely without gaining weight, they’re often said to have a fast metabolism, giving the impression that metabolism alone keeps them slim. However, metabolism involves more than just weight control. Research indicates that poor oral health can actually disrupt your metabolism. Read on to understand what metabolism is, how oral health impacts it, and get some tips on maintaining a healthy smile.


Why Would I Need to See a Dentist Before My Summer Vacation?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 11:04 pm
Dentist cares for patient

Everyone loves going on summer vacation, but not many people consider the possibility of a dental emergency happening on their trip. The sudden breaking of a tooth or the onset of a throbbing toothache are both excellent ways to ruin a vacation and can often be prevented by a timely visit to your dentist’s office. Here’s how scheduling your next dental appointment a few weeks before your trip can help you enjoy a pleasurable and memorable vacation this summer.


Not Loving the Unnatural Feel of Your Smile? Dental Implants Could Help

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 9:28 pm
Senior woman smiling naturally

It can be hard to feel natural when you’re missing teeth. Your bite rests awkwardly, foods you used to love have become troublesome, your smile has a completely different vibe – and maybe you’ve even noticed some new wrinkles. Basically, life has just felt a little off lately.

So you’re in the market for a dental replacement. But you’re worried dentures won’t solve the problem. They can be loose, cumbersome, limiting – and more importantly, you’re too young for dentures! You’re absolutely right, and that’s why so many patients love dental implants. Keep reading to see how these replacements can help you maintain your youthful zeal.


What Should I Know About Nitrous Oxide Sedation at the Dentist’s Office?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 8:42 pm
Dentist smiles

Laughing gas has been portrayed hilariously but not accurately in a great many cartoons and comedy shows. The truth is that nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, is a tried-and-proven form of sedation that rarely has any side effects. Dentists have used it for more than two centuries to help patients sit more comfortably through dental procedures like fillings. Here are a few facts about laughing gas so you can have a better idea of what to expect the next time you need it.


What’s The Secret of Longer Life? It Might Be Dental Implants!

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 8:49 pm
A dentist showing his patient a model of dental implants

Civilizations rise and fall, and every one of them has been curious about extending the length of their lives. Even today, entire industries are built on looking and feeling younger from cosmetics to exercise routines. But what can the world of dentistry offer in this regard? Dental implants!

If you want to learn more about dental implants and how they might be able to extend your life, continue reading.


Understanding Dental Implant Failure: Recognizing and Addressing the Issue

October 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 5:31 pm
a closeup of dental implants

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are the name of the game! These innovative posts have completely revolutionized how dentists approach tooth replacement; after being placed, they’re capable of restoring teeth in terms of look, feel, and functionality. But despite an impressive 95% success rate, which holds true even after decades, dental implants are still susceptible to issues that might cause them to ultimately fail. That said, if you have dental implants yourself, how are you supposed to know if one’s in jeopardy? Here’s what your dentist wants you to know!


Three Steps You Can Take to Make Eating with Dentures Easy

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 9:24 am
Senior eating an apple

If you’re someone who has gotten dentures recently, you’re probably reveling in how incredible you look now compared to when you didn’t have them. However, you may still be getting used to how it feels to have your prosthetic in your mouth.

One of the biggest hurdles to get over is often learning to eat with your dentures in. At first, eating normally might even feel like an impossible task, but with time it’ll become second nature. Here are a few things you can do to make mealtimes with dentures much easier.


Should Healthy Teeth Ever Be Replaced with Dental Implants?

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 12:59 am
dentist holding model of dental implant

If you’re familiar with dental implants, you likely appreciate their remarkable ability to restore lost teeth comprehensively. Once implanted in the jawbone, they can completely rejuvenate the appearance, sensation, and function of a smile, offering exceptional and unparalleled advantages. However, is it ever advisable to substitute healthy teeth with dental implants, or should one strive to preserve their natural teeth for as long as feasible? Let’s delve into the details.


Is Teeth Sensitivity a Dental Emergency?

May 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 10:51 am
a man experiencing sensitive teeth while eating something cold

A comfortable smile helps you to do all your everyday activities, such as eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth, with ease. However, even if you are experiencing minor dental sensitivity, it can be alarming. Moreover, this oral health issue can be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be treated. But you may be unsure of when it’s actually time to go see your dentist. Read on to learn more about teeth sensitivity and when it’s time for an emergency dental visit.


Why Replace a Missing Back Tooth?

April 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 6:44 pm

Molar and dental implantTeeth should last for a lifetime, but that’s not a reality for many Americans. If you’ve lost a tooth in the back of your mouth, it’s easy to ignore because it’s difficult to see. Although it may not be visible when smiling, a missing molar can have significant complications for your oral health and quality of life. Here’s why you shouldn’t wait to replace your lost tooth.


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